MS Oman Expedition: Phase 2

Posted on 18 Jan, 2025

Phase 2 of the Mission Spiritus Oman Expedition presented the team with relentless challenges as they navigated 130km of increasingly barren desert terrain. From communication breakdowns to harsh environmental conditions, the team faced every obstacle with resilience and determination, advancing their mission to collect vital scientific data and push the boundaries of environmental research.

A Promising Start Turns Challenging

The team set out from Muqshin at 4:30am on January 15th, making strong progress in the cool of the early morning. By 11am, they had covered 22km, despite navigating significant sand features that made progress slow and arduous. However, as the day unfolded, what seemed to be minor issues began to escalate.

“Like with most things in the desert, big problems occur through a compounding series of small mistakes. Routine was not established, language barriers created potential for misunderstandings, and Sat phone troubles added to the challenge,” wrote David Segel in his field update.

Arriving at their predetermined rendezvous point, the team found no sign of the support crew. Winds picked up, scattering sand across their equipment and making conditions increasingly uncomfortable.

“We arrived at the rendezvous point but there was no sign of the support crew. We waited an hour, still no sign. Winds were building. Sand was everywhere – in our mouths, eyes, and equipment. Another 30 minutes and no sign of life on the vast horizon,” David recalled.

Attempting to set up their emergency shelter in the intense winds proved difficult, as the shelter threatened to shred or blow away. After a battle with the elements, the team managed to wedge themselves inside the orange shelter.

“Four hours passed. VHF radio had no response. Satellite texts were unanswered. We assessed our supplies: enough water for two days in the heat, and a small pocket lighter to make a fire.” David noted.

Relief finally came at 3pm when Hussein appeared on a distant dune. The support vehicle had been delayed by a series of challenges, including a punctured tire, engine trouble, and multiple extractions from sand traps. As the day ended, the team reflected on the lessons learned and adjusted their plans to prevent similar issues in the future.

Adapting to Adversity

The following day, the team made steady progress, covering another 20km. Starting early under the light of the Wolf Moon, they trekked through increasingly desolate terrain.

“Phase Two feels more challenging. Temperatures have risen significantly. Gone are the tracks of rabbits and foxes. Behind us are the soft rolling sand mounds, each blown into its own isolated work of art. Mental fortitude is the required ingredient for success.” David shared.

Despite the harsher conditions, the team continued collecting sand samples every 20km, including one from a uniquely dark and fine sand drift. Their dedication to maintaining scientific protocols remained unwavering, with Billy, affectionately referred to as “Professor Billy,” meticulously following the procedures set by Dr. Beizan.

Celebrating Progress

Reaching the halfway point of Phase 2 was a moment of triumph for the team. That evening, the support crew prepared a celebratory feast featuring camel bone broth, jalapeño jasmine rice, and dried shark meat.

“The meal was delicious and just what we needed after days of hard work in the heat,” David noted, highlighting the camaraderie and resilience of the team.

Vehicle Troubles

The harsh desert conditions also took a toll on the support vehicle, which struggled with frequent extractions from sand traps, overheating components, and dead batteries. After 48 hours of intermittent communication with the base team, a plan was put in place to deliver spare parts – or potentially a replacement vehicle – to a rendezvous point 32km from Camp 14.

The team departed camp at 4:30am on January 17th, hopeful that the solution would ensure their progress through the remainder of the journey.

“The full moon still makes for efficient travel. Hopefully, we will have a solution to our support vehicle’s challenges by the end of the day,” David wrote.

Looking Ahead

As Phase 2 draws to a close, the team remains steadfast in their mission. Despite the trials of this leg, they continue to push forward with resilience and optimism.

“Mental fortitude is the required ingredient for success,” David summarised, capturing the spirit that drives Mission Spiritus forward.

Stay tuned for the next blog, where we’ll share highlights from Phase 3 of the Oman Expedition.

Follow the Journey

This blog is the third of five in our series covering highlights of the Oman Expedition. Our next blog will highlight Phase 3, where the team embarks on a 420km journey from Sahmah to Jahed Beach. Stay tuned as we share their progress, challenges, and incredible discoveries along the way.

For more regular updates, follow Mission Spiritus on Instagram and LinkedIn, where we’ll share on-the-ground progress, images, and stories from the team as they take on this extraordinary expedition.

You can learn more about Mission Spiritus Oman here.

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